Home » Benefits of Spousal Open Work Permits
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Are you awaiting a decision on your application for common-law or spousal sponsorship? If yes, Canada might offer you an open work permit, which makes you eligible to work anywhere in the country. Specifically, the Spousal Open Work Permit (SOWP) provides an opportunity for inland sponsorship applicants to work while the processing of their immigration applications is underway.

Spousal Open Work Permit Benefits

The significant benefits that SOWP offers are:

1. You can work in Canada

As a spousal sponsorship applicant, you can stay and work in Canada while waiting for the decision on your spouse’s immigration application. This is because the time needed for Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) to process the application is approximately 12 months. Therefore, having a SOWP is beneficial because it entitles you to work in Canada during the waiting period.

2. You can work anywhere in Canada

A foreign national with a closed work permit can only take up one type of occupation or work for one employer. On the other hand, an open work permit allows you to take up any job or work for any employer. Besides, employers hiring SOWP holders are not required to get a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) done.

3. You can live with your spouse

If you don’t have a SOWP or any other temporary status, you will have to complete the immigration process from outside Canada. Having a SOWP allows you to live with your spouse in Canada while processing the sponsorship application.

4. You can gain work experience in Canada

If you can gain some work experience before becoming a permanent resident of Canada, you can give a boost to your career growth. Studies show that the greater the number of years of experience, the higher your earnings. In addition, it provides you with opportunities to network, builds relationships, and improve your English language skills, if required.

Read To Know : Work Permit For Your Spouse or Partner in Canada

SOWP Eligibility Criteria

Common-law partners and spouses who already live together are eligible to apply for inland sponsorship. However, the foreign partner should have temporary status as a visitor, student, or worker. The requirements that sponsorship candidates must meet to obtain a SOWP are:

  • They must apply for permanent residence as per the Spouse Common-Law Partner Class
  • They must have a permanent resident spouse, common-law partner, or Canadian citizen to file an application for sponsorship on their behalf
  • Live at their sponsor’s residence
  • They must have a valid Canadian temporary resident status or an approved restoration status application and authorization to work.

After applying for permanent residence status via spousal sponsorship, foreign spouses may simultaneously submit their open work permit application at any time they want.

In-principle approval of your application for your spouse’s permanent residency status makes you eligible to apply for SOWP online. Your spouse will receive a letter from the IRCC indicating that your partner meets the permanent residency eligibility criteria but must pass the background, medical, and security checks.

It may be possible to extend the SOWP if they don’t decide on immigration before its expiration date. However, SOWP holders should submit a request to extend their permits before expiration.

Getting a SOWP is beneficial as you can stay with your spouse or partner in Canada and start working to build your career.

You can call Immilaw Immigration at +613 704 5757 and schedule a free work permit consultation.

Free Online Canadian Immigration Assessment

One of our experienced immigration lawyers will clarify all your doubts regarding the SOWP. In addition, you can reach us at


Read To Know: Hire an Immigration Lawyer To Avoid Canada Visa Rejections


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