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What is A super Visa?

The Super Visa enables parents and grandparents of Canadian citizens and permanent residents to enter the country as guests for up to five years (starting on July 4, 2022) without needing to reapply for their status.

Super Visa

Grandparents and parents are allowed to reside in Canada for a long time. Those who possess a Super Visa may seek an extension, which might enable them to stay in Canada as a tourist for up to 7 years. The Super Visa permits parents and grandparents to enter Canada several times for up to 10 years.

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Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for a super visa, the necessary conditions are:
You must be-

  • Be the parents or grandparents of Canadian citizens or permanent residents
  • Possess a letter showing the intent to invite you to visit Canada, signed by your child or grandchild, that says the following:

(a) Consists of a guarantee of financial assistance for the period of your visit

(b ) Contains a concise list of the persons living in this person’s home

  • There must be a copy of that person’s citizenship or permanent residency card.       
  • Contains the health coverage provided by a Canadian insurance provider that is:
  • At least $100,000 in emergency coverage is sufficient for at least a year after admission.
  • Possess a document showing that the medical insurance is fully paid.

Financial Proofs Required

The child or grandchild inviting you must provide evidence that their home earns at least the required amount of money. Examples of documents that can be used as proof of finances include the:

  1.  A T4/T1 for the current tax year or a Notice of Assessment (NOA).
  2. Statements on Employment Insurance Benefits
  3. Employment letter including salary, job title, job description, date of hiring, and payment statements.
  4. Bank statements

The Applicant is Required To Apply For The Super Visa

  • From outside of Canada
  • Have your visa printed
  • Take a medical examination for immigration (forms and instructions issued by the visa office after the application has been submitted).
  • Dependents are not authorized on this application.

Who Can Apply for a Super Visa?

Parents or grandparents of Canadian citizens and permanent residents can apply for the Super Visa. On a Super Visa application, only parents or grandparents may be listed, along with their spouses or common-law partners.

Canadian Immigration

Super Visa Application Process

The application process is similar to that for a Temporary Resident Visa. There is a need for additional documentation to ensure that they will be taken care of during their stay in Canada. The Canadian visa office in charge of the applicant’s place of residence outside Canada is where the application should be processed. Necessary conditions-

  • A letter of invitation from the grandchild or child living in Canada;
  • Document demonstrating that the grandchild or child meets the LICO minimum income requirement
  • Evidence of parental relationships, such as a birth certificate designating the person as a parent;
  • Evidence of medical insurance coverage with a Canadian insurance provider for at least a year.

Factors are taken into account while the parent’s or grandparents’ application is being processed-

  • They must be actual visitors to Canada who intend to depart on their own after the tenure for stay is over
  • Ties with the country of origin
  • The reason for the trip, the family’s wealth, and the overall political and economic stability of the native nation of origin
  • Analyze the documents provided

For support and assistance in obtaining a super visa, you can contact Immilaw Immigration Law Professional Corporation. The lawyer’s vision, knowledge, and expertise strengthen you to achieve the desired goal smoothly and systematically.

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Read To Know : For how long must you stay in Canada to get your citizenship?


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