Home » Spousal Sponsorship Applications – Hire an Immigration Lawyer
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Applications for spousal sponsorship in Canada receive top priority because it is crucial for families to be together. In this article, we answer some of these questions our clients regularly ask.

  • How long does the spousal sponsorship process take in Canada?
  • Is spousal sponsorship in Canada easier if you hire a Canadian immigration lawyer?
  • How to choose an immigration lawyer?
  • Is it possible for me to apply on my own for spousal sponsorship in Canada?

Spousal sponsorship applications can take up to 12 months to process. The process is often faster; however, depending on the nature of the specific case, it may take longer for some. In some complicated cases, the visa officer is likely to ask you for more proof regarding your relationship status, and this can typically delay the spousal sponsorship process.

The best way to ensure that this process takes minimum time is to do it right the first time by hiring an immigration lawyer in Canada. Though it is possible to apply on your own, it is more important to make a correct submission that convinces the visa officers that your relationship is genuine. Moreover, the CIC receives many fraudulent applications daily. So, the visa officers are wary and on guard constantly.

The spousal sponsorship application is approximately 120 to 150 pages long, and filling the application is a long and arduous task. As a result, CIC returns wrongly filled and incomplete applications three months later.

Reasons for Refusal of Spousal Sponsorship Applications

There are a few common reasons for spousal application rejections:

  • It is not easy to follow online instructions for filling up spousal sponsorship applications on your own. The process is complex, and applicants only realize many mistakes after rejecting the application forms three months later.
  • Rejection of the application forms takes place when the applicant uses outdated application forms or submits incomplete forms. CIC returns such application forms. This can cause a delay of two or three months. In such cases, a PR ban for two years can also come into effect.
  • Spouses from non-visa-exempt countries require a TRV to travel to Canada. Therefore, they will not travel to Canada for at least two years unless they possess a TR visa. In cases of refusal of the spousal sponsorship application, IRCC does not approve a TR visa.

Read To Know More : Spouse Visa – Bring Your Family To Canada

Hiring an immigration lawyer and its advantages

Hiring an immigration lawyer makes it easy to file the spousal sponsorship application form with a higher chance of success. Immigration lawyers will make sure to prepare the application form thoroughly and adequately. This will prevent the three-month delay or the spouse from falling out of status in the country.

Hiring an immigration lawyer means they will foresee all the potential issues that cause the visa officer to flag applications for the interview or issue a letter that doubts the genuineness of the relationship or altogether refuse the application.

Spousal sponsorship applications of couples in genuine relationships also see rejections if the genuineness of their relationship status is not projected powerfully or convincingly. This is even more necessary for common-law partners and others whose relationships are just about two years old.

How to choose the best immigration lawyer in Canada

It is a fact that all lawyers are competent in handling spousal sponsorship applications and ensuring a higher chance of success. Therefore, it is essential to select the best Canadian immigration law firm like ImmiLaw Immigration with due diligence and select one adept at working in immigration or handling your application file.

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Points to keep in mind when choosing your immigration lawyer in Canada

  • Confirm that the immigration lawyer has handled cases at the Immigration Appeal Division (IAD) or Federal Court. Such a lawyer will know to spot potential issues even before they occur. They would also have experience in arguing ‘refused’ spousal sponsorship cases. These would be cases in which the applicants applied on their own or hired weak legal representation. Immigration lawyers also make it a point to draft extensive submission letters attached to the spousal sponsorship application forms. This forms an essential part of the application process and is the first item that the visa officer reads.
  • Immigration lawyers attach a submission letter that presents all the issues to the authorities. The contents of this letter depend on each client’s facts and circumstances. It is also important that the immigration lawyer sends the client a copy of the submission letter for review. Client review is essential as it can help to avoid presenting incorrect facts, which amounts to misrepresentation. Misrepresentation is a severe offense and can lead to a five-year ban.
  • Spousal sponsorship applications run to about 150 pages, and close to 60 documents go with every application. Though it is not compulsory to hire an immigration lawyer, it is frustrating and difficult for applicants to do this correctly all by themselves. Moreover, for a law firm to collect all these documents by email is not a practical solution. However, it is vital to choose a law firm that uses file-hosting services like Dropbox, through which they can assign shared file access to each of the clients. This allows the firm to be responsive, and they can immediately respond to the client’s queries.
  • Lawyer License and Website : You must go through the website of the immigration law firm to get an idea about its credentials and to confirm that lawyers are licensed and experienced.

You can send in your queries to us at or call us at 613-704-5757. We will schedule a consultation for you with our expert Canadian Immigration lawyer after we assess your eligibility.

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